The jam-covered fingers tugged at my freshly cleaned white trousers with the impassioned plea of a seasoned politician.
My 4-year-old daughter emotionally insisted, "Daddy, can we get another dog, please? Please!" This wasn't just a simple request; it was an emotional game of mind chess that many parents find themselves blindfolded into playing. And it can have costly consequences!
Welcoming a new pet into your life or family is rooted in love and the desire to share your world with a beautiful creature. People and pets are often seen as perfect companions, right?
Well, not always.
Bringing a pet into your home is a significant life event. One well-worn phrase that comes to mind is that "moving house" is one of life’s biggest stressors. Research shows that welcoming a pet can be even more stressful, especially if it happens at the wrong time or the pet hasn’t been responsibly bred. Or worse, when you realize that your new furry friend is simply not what you expected.
Feelings of regret and overwhelm don’t just surface around Christmas—they can hit any time of year when you’ve gone about finding a pet in the wrong way.
Following that social media influencer flaunting the latest four-legged dream as the perfect solution to your child’s happiness might not set you or your pet up for success.
In the real world, social media dream sellers and classified ad puppy scammers are simply chasing your money. Your long-term happiness and the well-being of the puppy are not their priorities. There’s much more to choosing the right pet than a simple “click and collect” model, whether it's Christmas or any other time of year. Pets experience emotions just like we do, so surely there’s a better way of matching us with our next best friend?
The Pressure of Modern Life and the Appeal of Pets
Life has never been busier, more expensive, or more demanding. For many,
pets serve as a pressure release valve. Studies have shown that simply
stroking a pet can reduce blood pressure, and cuddling them releases feel
good hormones like oxytocin. Pets are one of the most powerful antidotes
to stress, depression, and anxiety, and they are wonderful social icebreakers
for the shy among us.
Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that the number of pet owners is expected to
explode in the coming years, possibly eclipsing even the surge seen during
the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend highlights the deep emotional bond we
share with our pets and how, now more than ever, humanity seems to
need pets just as much, if not more, than they need us. It’s a sobering
thought, isn’t it?
However, not all new pet owners find the experience easy. A recent survey
of 1,000 puppy owners who got their dogs during the pandemic revealed
that one-third found their puppies much harder to train and manage than
expected. Additionally, 82% admitted to using aversive training techniques,
which made their puppies' behavior and welfare worse. No one wants to
welcome a puppy into their life only to accidentally harm it or, worse, regret
the decision altogether.
After all, the "click and collect" model sets you and your puppy up for
failure. You're left feeling vulnerable and isolated. But it doesn’t have to be
this way.
A Better Way to Welcome a Puppy into Your Life
As a father and experienced veterinarian, I founded MyPetbond.com to help people just like you. I understand the desire to bring a pet into your home for all the right reasons. That’s why we’re here to guide you through the process from start to finish, ensuring that both you and your new pet have the best possible experience.
We take the guesswork and the risk out of finding your new pet. Our system ensures that your pet will not only be healthy and happy, but it will also give you the confidence and peace of mind to reassure your eager child with a smile: “MyPetbond will manage this for us.”
Together, we create bonds for life.
www.mypetbond.com/ www.instagram.com/my_petbond https://x.com/petbond_ireland