from good homes…
to good homes


General Appearance
Medium to large size hunting dog. Functional working type, pleasing in shape, sinewy and very muscular. Difference in type between dogs and bitches easily distinguished.
Height at the withers Dogs 59 – 70 cm (ideal measurement 62 – 67 cm). Bitches 57 – 65 cm (ideal measurement 59 – 63 cm). Weight Dogs about 30 – 40 kg. Bitches about 25 – 35 kg.
Short-haired Short (but longer and thicker than with most comparable breeds), strong, very dense, smooth lying topcoat. Without or with only very sparse undercoat.
Long-haired Soft, long topcoat with or without undercoat. Smooth or slightly wavy. Long flowing hair at ear set on. Velvety hair is permissible on tips of leathers. Length of coat on flanks 3 – 5 cm. On lower side of neck, forechest and belly, generally somewhat longer. Good feathering and breeching, yet less long towards ground. Tail with good flag. Hair between toes. Hair on head less long. A type of coat similar to a double-coat (Stockhaar) with medium length, dense, close fitting topcoat, thick undercoat and moderately developed feathering and breeching, sometimes occurs in dogs of mixed ancestry.
Silver, roe or mouse grey, as well as shades of these colours. Head and leathers generally slightly paler. Only small white markings on chest and toes permitted. Sometimes a more or less defined trace occurs along the back. Dog with definite reddish-yellow marking (« Brand ») may only be given the classification « good ». Brown marking is a serious fault.
Behaviour & Temperment
Versatile, easily trained steady and passionate hunting dog. Persevering in systematic search, yet not too lively. Remarkable ability to pick up scent. Ready to seize game and other prey; he is a good watchdog, without aggressiveness however. Reliable pointing dog and worker in water. Remarkable inclination to work after the shot.
Important Proportions
- Length of body to height at withers approximately 12 11.
- Proportions of the head From tip of nose to stop slightly longer than from stop to occiput.
- Forequarters Distance from elbow to mid-pastern and distance from elbow to point of withers about equal.
Breed Movement
Movement in all gaits is ground covering and smooth. Hind and front legs set parallel to each other. Gallop long and flat. Back remains level when trotting. Pacing is undesirable.