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Tibetan Terrier


Tibet PATRONAGE Great Britain.

General Appearance

Sturdy, medium-sized, long-haired, generally square outline.


Height at the withers Males 36 – 41 cms; females slightly smaller.


Hair Double coat. Undercoat fine and woolly. Top coat profuse, fine but neither silky nor woolly; long; either straight or waved but not curled. Colour White, golden, cream, grey or smoke, black, parti-colour and tricolours; in fact any colour except chocolate or liver permissible.

Behaviour & Temperment

Lively, good-natured. Loyal companion dog with many engaging ways. Outgoing, alert, intelligent and game; neither fierce nor pugnacious. Sparing of affection to strangers.

Important Proportions

Length from point of shoulder to root of tail equal to height at withers.

Breed Movement

Smooth; effortless drive with good reach; powerful drive. When walking or trotting hind legs should track neither inside nor outside the front legs.