from good homes…
to good homes

Setter Irish Red and White

General Appearance
Strong well balanced and proportioned without lumber; athletic rather than racy. The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field and must be judged chiefly from the working standpoint.
Desirable Height at the withers Dogs 24,5 – 26 ins. (62 – 66 cm). Bitches 22,5 – 24 ins. (57 – 61 cm).
Long silky fine hair called “Feathering” on the back of the fore and hind legs and on the outer ear flap, also a reasonable amount on the flank extending on to the chest and throat forming a fringe. All feathering straight, flat and free from curl but slight wave is permissible. The tail should be well feathered. On all other parts of the body the hair should be short, flat and free from curl.
Base colour white with solid red patches (clear islands of red colour), both colours should show the maximum of life and bloom; flecking but not roaning permitted around the face and feet and up the foreleg as far as the elbow and up the hindleg as far as the hock. Roaning, flecking and mottling on any other part of the body is objectionable.
Behaviour & Temperment
Aristocratic, keen and intelligent. Displays a kindly, friendly attitude, behind which should be discernible determination, courage and high spirit. The Red and White Setter is very friendly, dependable and easily trained gundog.
Breed Movement
When moving at the trot long striding, very lively, graceful and efficient. Head held high, hindquarters drive smoothly and with great power. Forelegs reach well ahead and remain low. Seen from or rear forelegs and hindlegs below the hock joint moving perpendicularly to the ground, no crossing or weaving of legs, front or back.