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Setter Gordon


Great Britain.

General Appearance

Stylish dog, with galloping lines. Consistent with its build which can be compared to a weight-carrying hunter. Symmetrical in conformation throughout.


Height at the withers Dogs 66 cm (26 ins.). Bitches 62 cm (24 ½ ins.).
Weight Dogs 29.5 kg (65 lbs). Bitches 25.5 kg (56 lbs).


On head, front of legs, tips of ears short and fine; moderate length, flat and free from curl or wave on all other parts of body. Feather on upper portion of ears long and silky; on backs of legs long, fine, flat and straight, fringes on belly may extend to chest and throat. As free as possible from curl or wave.

Deep, shining coal black, without rustiness, with markings of chestnut red, i.e. lustrous tan. Black pencilling on toes and black streak under jaw permissible. Tan markings Two clear spots over eyes not over 2 cms (3/4 ins.) in diameter. On sides of muzzle, tan not reaching above base of nose, resembling a stripe around clearly defined end of muzzle from one side to other. Also on throat, two large, clear spots on chest. On inside hindlegs and inside thighs, showing down front of stifle and broadening out to outside of hindlegs from hock to toes. On forelegs, up to elbows behind, and to pastern joints or little above, in front. Around vent. Very small white spot on chest permissible. No other colour permissible.

Behaviour & Temperment

Intelligent, able and dignified. Bold, outgoing, of a kindly even disposition.

Breed Movement

Steady, free-moving and true, with plenty of drive behind.