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Schnauzer - Standard



General Appearance

Medium sized, strong, stocky rather than slim, rough haired.


Height at withers Dogs and bitches 45 to 50 cm
Weight Dogs and bitches 14 to 20 kg.


The coat should be wiry, harsh and dense. It consists of a dense undercoat and a not too short top coat, lying close to the body. The top coat is rough and sufficiently long to allow the checking of its texture; it is neither bristly nor wavy. The hair on the limbs tends to be less harsh. Coat short on forehead and ears. Typical characteristics are the not too soft beard on the muzzle and the bushy eyebrows which slightly shade the eyes.

• Pure black with black undercoat.
• Pepper and Salt.

When breeding Pepper and Salt, the aim is a medium shading with evenly distributed, well pigmented pepper colouring and grey undercoat. The shades from dark iron grey to silver grey are all permitted. In all colour variations there must be a dark mask which should adapt harmoniously to the respective colour, emphasizing the expression. Distinct light markings on head, chest and limbs are undesirable.

Behaviour & Temperment

Typical characteristics are his lively temperament, coupled with placid composure. Typical are his good nature, his playfulness and his proverbial devotion to his master. He loves children, is incorruptible, alert, yet not noisy. Highly developed sense organs, intelligence, trainability , fearlessness, endurance and resistance to weather and diseases provide the Schnauzer with all the requirements to be an outstanding family, guard and companion dog, also endowed with the qualities of a working dog.

Important Proportions

  • Square build in which the height at the withers is nearly equal to the body length.
  • The length of the head (measured from the tip of the nose to the occiput) corresponds to half the length of the topline (measured from the withers to the set on of the tail).

Breed Movement

Flexible, elegant, agile, free and ground covering. The front legs swinging as far forward as possible, the hind legs, ground covering and springy, provide the necessary drive. The front leg of one side and the hind leg of the other side move forward at the same time. The back, the ligaments and the joints are firm.