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Middle East / FCI Patronage.

General Appearance

The whole appearance of this breed should give an impression of grace and symmetry and of great speed and endurance coupled with strength and activity. Smooth variety the points should be the same with the exception of the coat which has no feathering.


Height at withers Average between 58 – 71 cm (23-28 inches) bitches proportionally smaller.


Smooth and of a soft, silky texture, feathering on the legs and at the back of thighs, feathering may be present on the throat in adults, puppies may have slight woolly feather on thighs and shoulders. The smooth variety has no feathering.

Any colour or combination of colours is permissible. Brindles are undesirable.

Behaviour & Temperment

Reserved with strangers, but not nervous or aggressive. Dignified, intelligent and independent.

Important Proportions

The length of the body (from point of shoulder to point of buttock) is approximately equal to the height at the withers, although the dog often gives the impression of being longer than he really is.

Breed Movement

Smooth, flowing and effortless at trot. Light and lifting showing both reach and drive without hackney action or pounding.