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Saint Bernard



General Appearance

There are two varieties of the St.Bernard

  • Short-haired variety (double coat, “Stockhaar”)
  • Long-haired variety.

Both varieties are of considerable size and of impressive general appearance. They have a balanced, powerful, sturdy, muscular body with an impressive head and an alert facial expression.


Height at withers For dogs minimum 70 cm, for bitches minimum 65 cm. For dogs maximum 90 cm, for bitches maximum 80 cm. Dogs which exceed the maximum height will not be penalised, provided their general appearance is balanced and their movement is correct.


Short-haired variety (Stockhaar, double coat) Topcoat dense, smooth; close-lying and coarse. Plenty of undercoat. Thighs with slight breeches. Tail covered with dense hair.

Long-haired variety Topcoat plain, of medium length with plenty of undercoat. Short hair on face and ear; hair over the haunches and the croup usually somewhat wavy. Front legs feathered. Thighs with good breeches. Bushy tail.

Primary colour white with smaller or larger reddish-brown patches (splash-coated dogs) up to an unbroken reddish-brown mantle covering back and flanks (mantle dogs). A broken reddish-brown mantle is of equal value. A brindle reddish-brown colour permissible. Brownish-yellow tolerated. Dark shadings on head desirable. Slight touch of black on body tolerated. Required white markings Chest, feet, tip of tail, muzzle band, blaze and patch on neck. Desirable markings White collar. Symmetrical dark mask.

Behaviour & Temperment

Friendly by nature. Temperament calm to lively; watchful.

Important Proportions

  • Ideal relation of height at withers to length of body (measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of buttocks) = 9 10.
  • Ideal relation of height at withers to depth of chest see sketch below.
  • The total length of the head is slightly more than one third of the height at withers.
  • The relation of depth of muzzle (measured at its root) to length of muzzle is almost 21.
  • Length of muzzle slightly longer than one third of the total length of the head.

Breed Movement

Harmonious far reaching movement with good drive from the hindquarters, the back remaining stable and firm. Front and hind feet move forward in a straight line.