from good homes…
to good homes

Retriever Flat Coated

Great Britain.
General Appearance
A bright, active dog of medium size with an intelligent expression, showing power without lumber, and raciness without weediness.
Preferred height Dogs 59 – 61,5 cm (23-24 ins), Bitches 56,5 – 59 cm (22-23 ins).
Preferred weight in hard condition Dogs 27 – 36 kg (60-80 lbs), Bitches 25 – 32 kg (55-70 lbs).
Dense, of fine to medium texture and good quality, as flat as possible. Legs and tail well feathered. Full furnishings on maturity complete the elegance of a good dog.
Black or liver only.
Behaviour & Temperment
Generously endowed with natural gundog ability, optimism and friendliness demonstrated by enthusiastic tail action; confident and kindly.
Breed Movement
Free and flowing, straight and true as seen from front and rear.