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to good homes


General Appearance
The Newfoundland is massive, with powerful body, well muscled and well coordinated in his movements.
The average height at the withers is For adult males 71cm (28 inches), for adult bitches 66cm (26 inches).
The average weight is approximately 68kg for males, approximately 54kg for bitches. Large size is desirable, but is not to be favoured over symmetry, general soundness, power of the structure and correct gait.
The Newfoundland has a water resistent double coat. The outer coat is moderately long and straight with no curl. A slight wave is permissible. The undercoat is soft and dense, more dense in winter than in summer, but always found to some extent on the croup and chest. The hair on the head, muzzle and ears is short and fine. The front and rear legs are feathered. The tail is completely covered with long, dense hair, but does not form a flag. Trimming and scissoring are not encouraged.
Black, white and black and brown.
- Black The traditional colour is black. The colour has to be even as much as possible, but a slight tinge of sunburn is permissible. White markings on chest, toes and/or tip of tail are permissible.
- White and black This variety is of historical significance for the breed. The preferred pattern of markings is black head with, preferably, a white blaze extending onto the muzzle, black saddle with even markings and black croup and upper tail. The remaining parts are to be white and can show a minimum of ticking.
- Brown The brown colour goes from chocolate to bronze. White markings on chest, toes and/or tip of tail are permissible. White and black dogs and brown dogs are to be shown in the same class as blacks.
Behaviour & Temperment
The Newfoundland’s expression reflects benevolence and softness. Dignified, joyful and creative, he is known for his sterling gentleness and serenity.
Important Proportions
The length of the body from the point of shoulders to the point of buttock is greater than the height at the withers. The body is compact. The body of the bitch may be slightly longer and is less massive than that of the dog. The distance from the withers to the underside of the chest is slightly greater than the distance from the underside of the chest to the ground.
Breed Movement
The Newfoundland moves with good reach of the forelegs and strong drive of the hindquarters, giving the impression of effortless power. A slight roll of the back is natural. As the speed increases, the dog tends to single track with the topline remaining level.