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to good homes

Kerry Blue Terrier

General Appearance
The typical Kerry Blue Terrier should be upstanding, well-knit and well proportionated, showing well developed muscular body with definite terrier style.
Height at the withers Dogs 18 – 19,5 inches (45,5 to 49,5 cm). Bitches 17,5 – 19 inches (44,5 to 48 cm).
Weight Dogs 33 lbs to 40 lbs (15 to 18 kg). Bitches proportionately less.
Soft, plentiful and wavy.
Blue of any shade with or without black points. Black is permissible only up to the age of 18 months, as is also a shade of tan.
Behaviour & Temperment
Terrier character throughout. The all-important factor-expression must be keen and alert.
Breed Movement
Good coordination, with legs parallel, forelegs reaching out and powerful drive in the hindquarters. When the dog is moving the topline should remain level and the head and tail should be carried high.