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Dogue De Bordeaux

General Appearance
Typical concave lined brachycephalic molossoid. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a very powerful dog, with a very muscular body yet retaining a harmonious general outline. It is built rather close to the ground, the distance sternum-ground being slightly less than the depth of the chest. Stocky, athletic and imposing, it has a very dissuasive aspect.
Height should more or less correspond to the perimeter of the skull. Height at the withers For males 60-68 cm. For females 58-66 cm. 1 cm under and 2 cm over will be tolerated.
Weight Dogs at least 50 kg. Bitches at least 45 kg. Females Identical characteristics but less pronounced.
Fine, short and soft to the touch.
Self-coloured, in all shades of fawn, from mahogany to isabella. A good pigmentation is desirable. Limited white patches are permissible on the forechest and the extremities of the limbs.
- Black mask The mask is often only slightly spread out and must not invade the cranial region. There may be slight black shading on the skull, ears, neck and top of body. The nose is black.
- Brown mask (used to be called red or bistre). The nose is brown; the eyerims and edges of the lips are also brown. There may be non-invasive brown shading; each hair having a fawn or sandy zone and a brown zone. In this case the inclined parts of the body are a paler colour.
- No mask The coat is fawn the skin appears red (also formerly called “red mask”). The nose can then be reddish.
Behaviour & Temperment
An ancient fighting dog, the Dogue de Bordeaux is gifted for guarding, which it assumes with vigilance and great courage but without aggressiveness. A good companion, very attached to its master and very affectionate. Calm, balanced with a high stimulus threshold. The male normally has a dominant character.
Important Proportions
- The length of the body, measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock, is superior to the height at the withers, in the proportion of 11/10.
- The depth of the chest is more than half the height at the withers.
- The maximum length of the muzzle is equal to one third of the length of the head.
- The minimum length of the muzzle is equal to one quarter of the length of the head.
- In the male, the perimeter of the skull corresponds more or less to the height at the withers.
Breed Movement
Quite supple for a molossoid. When walking the movement is free and supple, close to the ground. Good drive from the hindquarters, good extension of the forelegs, especially when trotting, which is the preferred gait. When the trot quickens, the head tends to drop, the topline inclines towards the front, and the front feet get closer to the median plane while striding out with a long reaching movement of the front legs. Canter with rather important vertical movement. Capable of great speed over short distances by bolting along close to the ground.