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to good homes

Cairn Terrier

Great Britain.
General Appearance
Agile, alert, of workmanlike, natural appearance. Standing well forward on forepaws. Strong quarters. Deep in rib, very free in movement. Weather-resistant coat.
Approximately 28-31 cm (11-12 ins) at withers, but in proportion to weight-ideally 6-7,5 kg (14-16 lbs).
Very important. Weather-resistant. Must be double-coated, with profuse, harsh, but not coarse, outer coat ; undercoat short, soft and close. Open coats objectionable. Slight wave permissible.
Cream, wheaten, red, grey or nearly black. Brindling in all these colours acceptable. Not solid black, or white, or black and tan. Dark points, such as ears and muzzle, very typical.
Behaviour & Temperment
Should impress as being active, game and hardy. Fearless and gay disposition ; assertive but not aggressive.
Breed Movement
Very free-flowing stride. Forelegs reaching well forward. Hindlegs giving strong propulsion. Hocks neither too close nor too wide.