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to good homes


General Appearance
The Affenpinscher is rough haired, small and compact with a monkey-like expression.
Height at withers Dogs and bitches 25 to 30 cm
Weight Dogs and bitches appr. 4 to 6 kg.
The body coat should be harsh and dense. The head is typically adorned by bushy, bristly eyebrows and wreath-like hair surrounding the eyes, by an impressive beard, by the top knot and by the hair on the cheeks. The coat on the head should be as hard, straggly and sticking out as possible. It contributes essentially to the monkey-like general expression.
Pure black with black undercoat.
Behaviour & Temperment
Fearless, alert, persistent and devoted, sometimes full of quick-tempered passion. He is an agreeable family dog in all aspects.
Important Proportions
The ratio of length to height shall make his build appear as square as possible.
Breed Movement
Relaxed, fluent, mincing with moderate drive from the hindquarters. Seen from the front and the rear, straight forward and parallel.