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Skye Terrier


Great Britain.

General Appearance

Long; twice as long as high, with coat of good length, Moves with seemingly effortless gait. Strong in quarters, body and jaw.


Ideal height at the withers 25 – 26 cms, length from tip of nose to tip of tail 105 cms. Females slightly smaller in same proportions.


Double. Undercoat short, close, soft and woolly. Outer coat of reasonable length, hard, straight, flat and free from curl, never impeding action. Hair on head shorter, softer, veiling forehead and eyes, but not obscuring vision. Mingling with side locks, surrounding ears like a fringe and allowing their shape to appear.

Black, dark or light grey, fawn, cream, all with black points. Any self colour allowing shading of same colour and lighter undercoat, so long as nose and ears are black. A small white spot on chest permissible.

Behaviour & Temperment

Elegant and dignified. A ‘one-man’ dog, distrustful of strangers, never vicious.

Important Proportions

Body long, low, twice as long as high.

Breed Movement

Legs proceed straight forward when travelling. When approaching, forelegs form a continuation of straight line of front, feet being same distance apart as elbows. Principal propelling power is furnished by hind legs which travel straight forward. Forelegs moving well forward, without too much lift. Whole movement termed free, active and effortless and gives a more or less fluid picture.