As you can see I’m a small terrier girl (Scots Terrier x Jack Russell) and am 9 years old.

My life up to recently hasn’t been so great. I was adopted from the pound when I was about 2; then moved around new locations over the next four years; then surrendered to a rescue as my owner was emigrating. I was left in the rescue for three years until my luck changed dramatically and my new owner brought me to my wonderful forever home just before lockdown. I’m loving every moment of my new life and my new owner is very kind to me. Because she loves me so much and has to go back to work in a couple of months she wants to find a really nice lady who is at home most of the time to mind me so that I will have company during the day – she says I deserve it as I’ve been through a lot in my 9 years.
I would like a nice garden to play or potter around in. As I was never socialised, I’m not too keen on other dogs or cats so it’d be great if you didn’t have any but it’d be good if you were experienced with dogs. And it would be nice if you didn’t have many visitors calling to the house either as it takes me time to trust strangers and I find it quite stressful really.
Ideally you will live in the Dalkey area or anywhere en route into the city centre (Blackrock, Monkstown, Ballsbridge etc) so I could be dropped off on the way to work. As I like to take my time getting to know new people we will need to meet up a few times before I will be comfortable with you petting me or even coming close to me, but don’t take it personally as I just need
time to know I can trust you – and once I do then I will let you give me lots of belly rubs (my favourite!) and you won’t even know I’m in the house as I’m really a very good little girl…
If you or anyone you know thinks they would be able to look after this gorgeous girl four days a week please email mindmydoggy@gmail.com